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10 Organizational skills training courses

Great organizational skills are among the qualities necessary to succeed at any job. In this list, you'll find organizational skills training courses to help your team develop workplace productivity. It includes courses on time management, effective communication, problem-solving, and more.

Last published: 6th May 2024
SC Training (formerly EdApp) Organizational Skills Training Course - The Ultimate Guide to Personal Productivity

1. The Ultimate Guide to Personal Productivity

All employees aspire to have consistently high personal productivity, which helps in most corporate operations. SC Training (formerly EdApp)'s course, The Ultimate Guide to Personal Productivity, can help your team gain organizational skills that will allow them to maximize their efficiency in the workplace.

This free training course extensively covers the ideal methods to improve organizational skills and work habits through personal admin skills like time management and attention to detail. By the end of the course, your team will have a clear understanding of the standard practices for managing time better and getting things done in a time-efficient manner.

The lessons also address the valuable skills essential for retail workers and include tips on becoming more detail-oriented for optimized work performance. Not only will they know how to be more thorough, but they'll also get a grasp on how to handle interruptions, maintain focus, and coordinate tasks in a busy work setting like retail. 

Use this course if you're looking for an effortless way to train your team. It uses a microlearning approach, which is easier to deliver and digest than other training courses. Besides that, there are only three mini-lessons that can each be completed in around five minutes.

  • Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
  • Length: 3 lessons, 5-10 minutes each
  • Scope: Time Management for Retail Employees, Get Things Done, Work Smart, Attention to Detail, How to attract top talent

Created By SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Organizational Skills Training Course - 5S Workplace Productivity

2. 5S Workplace Productivity

Inspired by Japanese author Hiroyuki Hirano, SC Training (formerly EdApp)'s 5S Workplace Productivity revolves around a strategy that can make a difference in how things work in your organization.

With this organizational skills training course, you can equip your team with the five key elements (Sort, Set, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain) essential to an organized and productive workspace. They'll explore the idea of optimizing productivity to store order and efficiency at work. As they progress through each lesson, they'll also realize the best ways to effectively deal with situations where chaos and unproductivity dominate.

This course can help you prioritize improving employee performance to achieve results that reduce costs, boost sales, and foster adaptability to any dynamic business landscape. SC Training (formerly EdApp) has specially created this for free with Gamification features and interactive quizzes for learning engagement and retention.

  • Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
  • Length: 9 lessons, 5-10 minutes each
  • Scope: Introduction to 5S, 5S Pillars (Sort, Set, Shine, Standardize, Sustain), Safety - the 6th S

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Organizational Skills Training Course - Sales Professional's Guide to Time Management

3. Sales Professional's Guide to Time Management

Time is money. It's especially true for any job that requires managing multiple tasks in a day, like sales work. In this line of work, being able to plan and use time wisely is important. This organizational skills training course can help enhance your sales team's prioritization and time management skills. 

Like other organization classes, SC Training (formerly EdApp)'s Sales Professional's Guide to Time Management covers all the hows and whys of time management in the workplace. As your team goes through the training, they'll be able to gain an understanding of setting up a well-defined sales process, which is crucial in growing their revenue. It will also guide your team in communicating with clients more efficiently.

This course is ideal if you're dedicated to employee development and wondering how to easily train your team's basic organizational skills. You'd be happy to know that SC Training (formerly EdApp) delivers the lessons in bite-sized chunks, which your team can access on their smartphones without occupying too much time in their schedule.

  • Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
  • Length: 3 lessons, 5-10 minutes each
  • Scope: What is Time Management?, How To Effectively Manage Your Time, Setting Up Your Process

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Organizational Skills Training Course - Communication in Project Management

4. Communication in Project Management

Communication is the backbone of every successful project. Work becomes much easier when your team members are organized communicators, as they can answer urgent requests, give clear instructions, and share trustworthy information. With proper communication skills, they can steer clear of any misunderstanding that can happen in the workplace.

This five-part organizational skills training course will teach your team proven strategies, from communicating and writing effectively to collaborating and delegating tasks with team members. They'll also be challenged with situational questions to assess how they'd react to similar real-life cases. Once they're done with the course, your team will be able to improve communication and work more efficiently to meet your project goals.

You can use this online course to train your team and implement other communication training activities so they become excellent communicators in the workplace. The great thing about this course is that it supports learner feedback and facilitates open in-lesson discussions where they'll get the chance to practice their communication skills further.

  • Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
  • Length: 5 lessons, 5-10 minutes each
  • Scope: Introduction to Communication, Effective Writing, Collaboration in the Project Team , Delegation, Lesson Review

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Organizational Skills Training Course - How to Demonstrate a 'Can Do' Attitude

5. How to Demonstrate a 'Can Do' Attitude

An exceptional work ethic can pave the way for success and opportunities at work. Feeling positive toward an assignment can cause a domino effect on how you deal with proceeding tasks. For one thing, you'll learn to take the initiative more often and work on tasks even without supervision. 

This organizational skills training course will teach your team how to optimize the "can do" attitude and why it matters in the workplace. The lessons also cover the importance of positivity, strategies for promoting an optimistic outlook, and suggestions for overcoming frustration at work. By the end of the training, your team will be more adaptable and flexible when faced with any difficult situation.

This online course will allow your team to excel in one of the most in-demand soft skills in the workplace. They'll also get to have a unique learning experience with SC Training (formerly EdApp)'s Achievements feature. Through this built-in tool, your team can gain special banners and badgers when they complete the lessons. It's a great way to recognize your team's efforts while keeping them engaged.

  • Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
  • Length: 5 lessons, 5-10 minutes each
  • Scope: Introduction, Tackle Ambiguous Problems, Diffuse Frustration, Be Positive

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Organizational Skills Training Course - Active Listening

6. Active Listening

Active listening is another essential skill that can make or break the success of any team. It requires much focus, attention, and practice but can be enhanced through SC Training (formerly EdApp)'s Active Listening course. This course will help your team develop organizational skills examples like active listening and negotiation skills to prevent misunderstandings and poor teamwork.

Although mainly designed for sales professionals, the course covers the foundational concepts and benefits of active listening, which applies to any industry. It also discusses the listener types and cues, as well as practical methods and examples to improve conversational skills. By the end of the course, your team will have the skills to manage and fix work-related conflicts more efficiently.

Your team can also access this organizational skills training course through their preferred devices.

  • Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
  • Length: 4 lessons, 5-10 minutes each
  • Scope: Active Listening in Sales, Core Principles of Active Listening, Listening for What's Not Being Said, Barriers to Active Listening

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Organizational Skills Training Course - How to be a Team Player

7. How to be a Team Player

Teamwork has been a basis of high performance and productivity in today's fast-paced work environment. Employees are expected to be excellent team players who can work together efficiently, communicate effectively, and support one another to achieve shared goals. This is where SC Training (formerly EdApp)'s How to be a Team Player course comes in handy.

This organizational skills training course's five engaging lessons include soft skills examples, such as effective communication, conflict management, and team perspective. With these lessons, your team will discover how to establish rapport, connect with each other professionally and personally, and lower barriers within their team. They'll also learn to respect their team members' opinions and treat them with empathy.

  • Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
  • Length: 5 lessons, 5-10 minutes each
  • Scope: Introduction, Understand Your Team's Perspective, Openly Voice Your Concerns, Manage Conflicts as a Team

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Organizational Skills Training Course - Problem Solver

8. Problem Solver

It's a common scenario during interviews to be asked by employers about one's problem-solving skills. This shows how it’s valued as one of the top employee skills in any business environment. But don't fret; SC Training (formerly EdApp) offers a Problem Solver course. It can equip your team with a systematic and logical approach to solving difficult or unexpected problems in the workplace. 

This organizational skills training course extensively covers various topics, starting with an overview of creative problem-solving and its principles. Your team will also explore ways to form and analyze solutions as part of good decision-making. Other lessons include dealing with mental blocks and implementing brainstorming sessions with the right resources.

  • Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
  • Length: 16 lessons, 5-10 minutes each
  • Scope: Core Principles of Problem Solving, Types of Decisions, Decision-Making Ingredients, The Fishbone Diagram, Metaphorical Thinking Tool, The Disney Creative Strategy, Mental Blocks, Brainstorming Technique, ORAPAPA Checklist, The Six Thinking Hats

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Organizational Skills Training Course - Future Ready Leadership

9. Future Ready Leadership

Leadership skills let leaders fix issues, maintain a dedicated crew, and drive the company toward its goals. You can inspire your team to take on these leadership roles by delivering relevant learning materials through online training systems. SC Training (formerly EdApp) does just that and more with its Future Leader Leadership course.

This course contains three simple lessons that can help aspiring leaders in your team gear up for the future of leadership. As your team goes through the lessons, they'll be better equipped with techniques to break down silos and overcome disruptions in the workplace. They'll also learn how to lead with agility and a digital mindset for future success in leadership and business.

  • Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
  • Length: 3 lessons, 5-10 minutes each
  • Scope: Becoming Future-Ready, Winning with Agility, Fostering a Digital Mindset for Future Success

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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SC Training (formerly EdApp) Organizational Skills Training Course - Performance Management

10. Performance Management

Improving your team's skills in performance management is a smart investment to ultimately achieve your company’s goals and objectives. You can upgrade your organizational training methods using SC Training (formerly EdApp)'s comprehensive course on Performance Management.

To give you an overview, this course starts with defining performance management and the factors that make up a performance. It goes into detail about establishing role clarity and outlines each team member's responsibilities to spot performance gaps. Other lessons focus on practical techniques for giving and receiving feedback. The course ends with essential supervision tips on negotiating and communicating effectively with underperforming team members.

With SC Training (formerly EdApp), you can access this organizational skills training course and other management training topics to guide your team. You can also find thousands of free and editable courses in its vast Course Library to fit your training needs.

  • Cost: Free (up to 10 users)
  • Length: 5 lessons, 5-10 minutes each
  • Scope: Understanding Performance Management, Giving Feedback, Receiving and Processing Feedback, Objective Management of Underperformance, Bringing it Together

Created by SC Training (formerly EdApp)

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Get your crew to master the art of organization using organizational skills training courses

Organizational skills are foundations for building trust and professionalism. It makes room for easy management and allows your team to be at the top of their game. But when left ignored, it can foster poor work habits that disrupt the workplace, including unwanted negativity, procrastination, clutter, unclear communication, and inefficiency. That's when the need for training gets into the picture.

Organizational skills training courses are important to developing healthy workplace habits, achieving success at work, and ensuring that your daily work operations run smoothly. Investing in these training resources gives your team a better overall company experience, with more chances at receiving career opportunities, promotions, and higher-level roles and responsibilities.

And the best part? Your team can complete courses anytime, anywhere, on any device.

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